Ordinary Extraordinaire...That's me

Ordinary Extraordinaire...That's me

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall back

Fall is in full swing! The poplar trees are turning yellow and dropping leaves at an alarming rate. The mornings are cool and damp. Spiders are spinning webs everywhere! Pumpkins sit at every little country store for sale. Corn is being harvested and Tobbaco farmers are rushing to get the last to the market. Apple cider is out front in all the stores. Halloween is right around the corner!
My baby boy started school this month! He seems to like it but the transition has been hard for me!
MY baby baby boy is turning 3 next month and I can see him going from a baby to a boy. sigh.... where does time go?
I have not been singing much and I tried to push Mary Kay again and ...again my time for it is being squeezed off... I am falling back into the house wife/mother role....
I guess God wants me to fall back and rely on him alone.... so I'm trying to be content with just being here in this place and time......
speaking of time....got to go pick up Wyatt from school!