Ordinary Extraordinaire...That's me

Ordinary Extraordinaire...That's me

Saturday, January 23, 2010

This day was far from normal...My husband and I had to take one of our goats to the vet. Apparently one of my fat, clumsy horses stepped on her and she has a broken leg and a nervous system problem so we had to make her a tiny stall and prop her up between two bails of hay. Why do I have goats? Oh yeah someone said that they would eat the weeds and it would be a time saver.....who ever said that doesn't have goats. It cost $40 for a vet to look at her and say "Yep, she can't walk, prop her up and wait, that will be $40, Thanks" Gee, Really? I couldn't tell she couldn't walk when I had to carry her 60 pound butt to the trailer!! Go green with goats...I don't think so. They cost more than a weed eater!

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