Ordinary Extraordinaire...That's me

Ordinary Extraordinaire...That's me

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I recently went to the Joyce Meyer conference. I loved it. She is a tell it like it is kind of preacher/teacher. She is not for everyone but she is for me. God knew I could relate to her so he led me to her. I had just completed the Bible all the way through for the first time when God led me to her. I was reading it as a history book more than a way of life. Basically I wasn't gett'n it. So I was in Wal-mart one day and an urge to go to the book section hit me, hard. Now I wasn't a book kind of girl. This was out of Character for me. But I obeyed and walked swiftly in that direction. Something led me around one isle and 3rd shelf down the first book my eyes focused on was Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. I heard the Holy Spirit say, "You're not getting it my way so here is someone you can relate to, get the book and read it."
God can be quite bossy. So I purchased the book and that night began to read. It had never occured to me that I had control of my thoughts. I never thought about what I thought about. The enemy had settled in to certain places in my brain and had control of it. If you have never read it I highly recommend it. That was the first time I had ever heard of her. Ever since I have been hooked on her and her books and her TV show. She has given me the greatest insight to God. Of course she is led by the Holy Spirit to do this, and not on her own. So this was the second time the Holy Spirit had spoken to me plainly. I will never forget it! I also will never forget the next thing he began to work on me about. But I will save it for next time.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Heaven is UP!

I haven't fallen into blogging. This one doesn't flow from me easily. Although I love fashion, my life just doesn't revolve around it. My life is like a pot with all kinds of foods in it. I am a devoted child of God first and foremost and I suppose I could write a book about that.I will probaby start telling some of my close encounters. Some are out there and wonderful at the same time. I am a mother and have all the crazyness that goes along with that. Motherhood alone is a long story. I am a wife to a man who is completely and totally different from me! It is true we are attracted to opposites! He is my perfect match and mate. HE is a story all his own! It took me a year or two to learn I can not and should not try to change him but flow with him and appreciate his differences! I am a daughter to two very unique individuals. I will not blog about them because one of them may read it..hahaha luv ya mom. My life has shifted drastically in the last 6 years. I am going to shift this blog also and just start writing about my experiences with life and love and motherhood and the journey that God has set before me.
Just to start the shift I would like to say that God has jumped in with both feet. He is working hard to do a great thing in me. The major start to God's project started Sept 24th 2008. I had decided to start giving God time everyday. I promised him I would read his word and I guess starting at the begining would have been too easy but like so many baby Christians I let the book open where it wanted and asked for a sign from God. Just a note here, He will do this in the begining for you but soon he expects you to study and know the word. Ok back to the story, I placed my finger on a scripture and began to read... "Consider now from this day the four and twentieth day of the ninth month from this day I will bless you" ......... This is in Haggai chapter 2. I had a very old Bible whose pages where turned yellow to the point of almost not being read. But I sat there starring with a cold chill running through my body. The presents of the Lord was very strong. He began that day on the 24th day of Sept. changing my life for the better. I know that I know that I know....that God has a great plan for everyone on this earth. It is up to us to take note of what he is doing. If we take a passive pass at this one life we are given we will never amount to anything. We will just take up space and let life happen to us. I have voluntarily submitted to the Lord and have heard his voice first hand. I know that he is real and very much alive. My life is shifting again due to the leading of the Holy Spirit. My road keeps getting more narrow but more stable. I pray that anyone who reads this will at the very least get curious enough to look up to the starry heavens and ask, "OK God, What do you have in mind?"

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Around and Around

My sister came up yesterday and we went riffling through the storage trailer. Miss Neesy on Clean House would love to get ahold of that! hahaha
We were trying to find clothes for her to wear since she has lost so much weight. We pulled out clothes I have had for 15 years and the funny thing is they are back in style! There are some styles I wish would stay OUT! Like leggings and Long T-shirts and ballet shoes. oh and Please Do NOT bring back the Mullet.... That is a hideous hair style! I found bright cotton scoop neck tanks in orange and green and blue in the same shades that are coming for spring. HA! New clothes, well recycled clothes. So the styles just keep going around and around. They come back with a little tweek and a color change here and there. Apparently the designers have run out of original ideas. I take that back, Most of the runway stuff no normal person could or should I say Would wear. We normal folks put our own spin on the latest trends. Just visit any Catos and you will see what is in, in your area. If you want more trendy clothes you'll have to visit a larger city like Atlanta or better yet New York. But don't expect to fit in around the small home towns. My motto, if it don't go with jeans it don't go.. ahahaha just kidding!!! Really!! JUST KIDDING! I like my jeans just as good as the next girl but a little style is in order! So here we go with the bright colors, again. This spring trend has been around and around! Just this spin is bulky necklaces and flower pins. Have fun!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Beautiful Days ahead

Today was absolutely beautiful! The sun was warm and the sky was clear blue!
I have discovered Clean Eating. I Love the idea and I try very hard to come close. With two small children that are used to frozen chicken nuggets and mac and cheese, making that switch is taking time. I did have a hit with home made chicken nuggets and grape salad tonight. I used Flax seed,wheat germ, and oat bran to coat the chicken pieces and baked them and the grape salad was just red grapes, green grapes,celery,pecans,apples and vanilla flavored Greek Yogurt mixed together. I was impressed with it myself!
I have been excercising too! Trying to get into those skinny jeans. Now even more reason, my 20 Year reunion is coming this fall! I about fell out when I saw that come across my email. ok time to buckle down. This spring fashion is so cute with all the colors. I have to use these beautiful days to my advantage and walk! I tell God all the time, I didn't hit it 100% today but tomorrow is another day!